Men’s Golf Association
The MeadowCreek Men’s Golf Association meets Monday mornings
(with some exceptions).
- Game format changes each week.
- Check with the ProShop for start time.
- Sign-up sheets at the ProShop – p: 208.347.2555
- MCMGA Association Dues – $30 / IGA Handicap Dues – $67
- To become a member – contact the ProShop, or go to the IGA Membership tab.
Women’s Golf Association
The MCWGA schedule play every
Wednesday morning during the summer season.
- We have an 18-hole and a 9-hole group – there’s a skill level for everyone.
- The games are entertaining and the group enjoys lunch by the pool following play.
- Everyone is welcome!
- IGA Handicap Dues – $57 (contact ProShop or go to IGA tab).
- Click on link to view our Facebook page.
Corby Dickey: (208) 720-5072
A 9-hole Couples Chapman is scheduled for most Sunday afternoons (check the EVENTS CALENDAR)
A light dinner is served at The Osprey Cafe & Snack Bar following the event.
Sign-up at the ProShop: (208) 347-2555
Junior Golf
- Age 17 & Under
- Valid Driver License required for golf cart rental
IGA Membership
IGA Handicap Dues:
Men: $67 / Women: $57.
To renew your IGA membership click here or contact the ProShop.